Ok so I made it to Costa Rica safe and sound. The second flight was much better than the first. I got the window seat again, but this time the middle was empty so I was able to lie kind of slantey and have a bit of a sleep. The guy on the end was my age. We talked for a bit - he was going to Costa Rica for a vacation and partying. Its kind of funny - people have one of 2 reactions when I tell them why I am in Costa Rica.
Reaction #1: "Wow! Monkeys! That's so cool!"
Reaction #2: they look at me like i have a third arm growing out of my forehead and smile awkwardly.
This guy was part of the Reaction #2 school.
We listened to ipods for most of the flight.
Here are 2 neat things about my flights today.
#1: I was able to find my house from the air when we took off out of Calgary.
#2: I love airplane food! Its usually pretty tasty and it fits perfectly into a cute little box! The dinner tonight was a chicken fajita, a salad with caesar dressing, and a mini Kit-Kat bar. Just like the halloween kind. My only (very minor) complaint is that they only had 1 packet of hot sauce for the fajita. I think 3 hot sauce packets (extra extra hot) should be the standard. eh well.
Right now I am sitting at the field station in my room. MY VERY OWN ROOM THAT I DONT HAVE TO SHARE! I am so happy about this fact that I don't even care about the giant ass spider that is currently sitting above the door. Seriously, this spider is frakken HUGE!. I would kill it, but I can't reach it - even when I stand on a chair. Instead we are going to spend the night together. Hopefully things go well - but not so well that it is close to my bed when I awaken tomorrow.
It was dark when we got into the park, so I didn't get a decent chance to look around... but the trees looked lush and tall and amazing and apparently there are volcanoes on either side of the plateau that the park sits on. (I'll photo them at a later date, don't worry). The bugs are chirping outside and occasionally I hear a strange roaring sound. I'll need to ask the others about what that could be when I wake up tomorrow. Since arriving at the park we have seen: a deer, a slender hog-nosed pit viper (in the kitchen!! The PHD student others shooed it away with a mop while we carried the groceries and bags in), my new spider roommate, all kinds of bugs all over everything, and a really shiny frog in the bathroom. Apparently the frogs like to hang in the toilets at night so we have to be careful not to flush them.
Before I sleep, here are a couple of things I plan to do for future blog posts.
- buying, tasting, and reviewing strange items I find at the costa rican grocery store. I already bought my first item.
- photos, photos, photos,
- the most badass monkey of the month
I will keep thinking of things as I go i'm sure.
Goodnight friends! hope you're well.
<3 Day
p.s. its so hot here that I am not even wearing socks to sleep. this is srs bznz.
Wearing socks to sleep is a horrible idea.
ReplyDeleteAnd be careful with your roommate... dont want you dying on your first night there!
I demand lots of neat photos. <3
Offtopic these word verification things have some interesting random words. like Dedoop