Tuesday, January 12, 2010

ow ow my feet.

I was going to talk about capuchins today but i'm too tired. I promise I will do a big update tomorrow - possibly with photos of monkey balls. Right now I just need somebody to give me a foot rub and put me to bed. (Today was really good though, don't worry!)

<3 Day

P.S. I had a shower with a tarantula just now. I also saw about 6 deer today. Yesterday I saw 3 giant iguanas (one black one and 2 brown ones), and a whole herd of coatis in the forest.


  1. - Balls
    - I give good feet rubs
    - I hate spiders.
    - How "giant" are we talking here.
    - Those things are damn cute

  2. Should have brought a foot spa. Then all the bugs could hot tub in it while you are away. Spa's and jungles go together like peanut butter and jelly.

    ps. must skype soon. can't seem to get pvr to work. i think they have an iphone app for that.
