Monday, January 11, 2010

my house!

This post is dedicated to showing you all what my new home is like. Hopefully you aren't too shocked at the conditions. I love it here - but then again I have never had a problem with roughin' it. I was a Girl Guide so I have all kinds of outdoor skillz yo.

So this is a photo of the road beside the researcher apartments. Down the road is the administration building, tourist dorms (for anybody who wants to come and visit me and get the true jungle experience), the lavanderia (laundry), and the comodore (i don't know if I spelled that right. its a cafeteria/lunchroom type of building). This road also joins up with the camino principale - the main road that runs through the park. Our building is to the left.

This is kind of a crappy photo of the side of the researcher building. To the left of the photo is a little clearing and then the jungle is right beyond it. The spider monkeys swing through this spot and we can see them from the table where we sit. The building is basically a long strip of 6 rooms, with an open kitchen area at the far end and a bathroom over there as well.

Here is a better view of the strip of bedrooms and the living quarters outside. My room is #6 - the one way down at the far end beside the kitchen. In this photo you can sort of see the entrance to the bathrooms behind one of the far pillars as well. Our fridges and food bins are right out in the open. Everything has to be kept tight in boxes because the wildlife helps themselves regularly. You can also kind of see the other field assistant sitting at the table in this photo. I really like her.
Here is the beautiful cement cell where I sleep. To the left of the door are shelves where I keep my clothes, ginch, and field gear. The desk in the right hand corner is already like my desk at home... covered with stuff and not used for actual computering. I am surprised at how fast i managed to unpack and spread my crap out all over the room - at this rate i could give Linds a run for her money. it must be genetic. I have no complaints about my room - i am just so happy I get a whole room to myself! It could literally be crawling with scorpions and i wouldn't even mind. oh... wait... IT IS! LOL! I killed TWO scorpions in here last night. Normally I would just shoo ugly critters out the door - but I really don't want those nasties coming anywhere near my beautiful pink skin - especially while I am asleep.

This is the kitchen area. My bedroom door is just on the other side of the table that's in the right of the picture. The door to the washroom is just over to the left beside the blue garbage can. In this picture you can see the cement sinks where we do all the washing and dishes and sinkey type things. Also, the water here is fully drinkable which is nice. Across from the sinks is a rickety old shelf that holds all of the dishes. There are snakes that live on that shelf and the dishes must always be washed before they are used because they are always covered in leaves, dirt, insects, and ghod knows what else. Also, I really want to clean the wall beside the hot plate - but I haven't been able to find cleaning supplies anywhere. Usually the Park Staff does the weekly cleaning of the bathrooms and garbages and stuff.
Here is the row of sinks in the bathroom. You can see all my stuff sitting to the left. my sink is the one that is second from the left. I don't really have a lot to say about the sinks - besides there are lots of bugs in this area.

Finally, here is the row of showers and toilets. The showers are to the left and the toilets are to the right. I like the setup of this bathroom because all of the showers and toilets are each inside their own little room. I use the sower and bathroom at the far end - but for the past 2 days there has been a frog inside my toilet. I don't want to flush it - and I sure as hell don't want to reach in and take it out. So I just find another stall for now. The scorpion is still in my shower - but it stays in between the sliding doors and doesn't come out. I will probably kill it if I see it out in the open - but if it stays hidden I will spare its life for now. (and don't worry - I always check for it before I go in).

that's it for now! Hope you like my house!
Love, hugs, and spider bites,

1 comment:

  1. Desks are for holding useless junk. Laptops are for beds, not for desks. My desk in my room has an unpacked box from when i moved in.

    I hope you put shoes on before you step on scorpions

    "Don't put the duck there, it's totally irresponsible!"
