Wednesday, February 9, 2011

zomg tests

so school is getting a little intense. I survived my histology exam as well as the weekly anatomy quiz. On Friday we have our first Physiology exam and everybody is freaking out. The professor is this happy german man who is the WORST at explaining concepts. His notes are very confusing, and apparently he writes his exams in german and then uses an online translator to convert the questions to english... so the grammar is all messed up and its hard to tell what he is asking sometimes. When I have asked upper-termers how to prepare for his exams, the advice they have given me is "pray". lovely.

Hopefully I will lock it down and pull off a decent grade. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

In other news, to help with stressy feelings, I have been going to the gym a lot. I kick the living shit out of the elliptical machine, and then I feel nice and tired and calm.

I also just found out I got the Jason Lang Scholarship for my good grades in monkeyschool last year. $1000 in mah pocket! woo! I have also been nominated for the Louise McKinney Scholarship which is $2500. It would be fantastic if I got that one too. I would have enough money for a super-pimpin new macbook pro AND I would put the rest towards my old old multimedia school loan (yes, I went to multimedia school... what you think i'm naturally this awesome at making websites? heh)

Finally, on Friday after our physiology exam some of us are going to celebrate by jumping off this big cliff by the library into the ocean. I am really looking forward to that. I have also made friends promise to film me jumping... so you can enjoy it too.
The cliff is right here - but the jumping spot is on the other side of the building! Just imagine me jumping not into rocks and into nice water instead. :D

click the image to see the full sized awesomeness of my photoshop drawing skillz.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, no more scary stuff shared for your mother to worry about. Deal? Just kidding... but don't be too daring!!!! Enjoy your dive(s).
