Sunday, February 6, 2011

HALP! Starfruit!!

Help! I bought some starfruits from the fruit man who comes to school each friday but I have no idea how to eat them!

How do I know when they are ready? Do I chop them into pieces? Peel on? Peel off? What do I do!?!

Please post in the forums if you know. I don't want to waste my $2.
(Also, I hope they are not gross!)

1 comment:

  1. Starfruits are a beautiful fruit and often used to garnish a plate of food for a nice presentation. Slice the fruit from the top to bottom, width wise, or vice versa, and each slice will be a star shape.. hence it's name. The last time I had some, I don't remember much flavor, but since you bought it local, it's probably delicious. Maybe try a squeeze of lime on top. No need to peel, but wash the fruit well. Sounds like you're eating healthy, Dayna! Yum! Now back to our winter apple and oranges.xoxo
