Monday, February 21, 2011

yay blood!

So today was awesome. In anatomy lab, I got to do my first blood draw ever! AND I was the only person in my class who got to do it.

here's the story:
Our anatomy lab doesn't have any TAs because the upper term students are in lecture while we are in lab. Instead, we have this cool Irish veterinarian/anatomist who helps our main professor. She's friendly and nice and she really knows her stuff. Sometimes, when my lab group has questions, she will sit down and chat with us for a while and tell us stories. I like her. Anyway, today she brought her dog Mojo into class. He is a little dog that looks like a cross between a pomeranian and a jack russell terrier. Apparently he hasn't been eating for a few days, so she wanted to draw some blood so she could test for tick caused diseases (a big problem here on the island).

My group was minding our own business dissecting out the brachial plexus in our dog, and she came up and asked if I wanted to get some blood on Mojo. I immediately said "Yes. Yes I do." She asked me if I had experience with blood draws, and I told her that I have a lot of restraining practice, but had never poked an animal before. She said that is was ok, and that I could give it a try. My lab partners have all worked in clinics for years, so they immediately piped up and told the Doc that they would help me, and if I wasn't able to get the blood, then they would have me hold Mojo and they would get it for her.

I was nervous, but super excited to be given the chance to try. Procedures like this aren't normally done in first year classes so this was a special exception... and I have no idea why the Doc asked *me* if I wanted to do it (probably because i'm awesome I guess. hehe) She warned us that Mojo can be a little rascal, so the person holding him would need to hold his muzzle tightly to make sure he didn't bite. My friends assured me that they would hold him still and keep us all safe. I was ready.

I scooped Mojo up into my arms, and he growled at me. I told him to smarten up, and didn't let his grouchiness phase me. I could tell he was all talk. After holding him for a minute, he started wagging his tail, so we took him into a side office where I could poke him in a more quiet place.

My one friend held him still, keeping a good grip on his muzzle and front paws, while the other friend showed me how to feel for the vein and line up the needle. The external jugular vein is in the neck and it's nice and big... but it can roll around under the skin so it is sometimes hard to hit with a needle. I was shaking a little because I was nervous, but I was determined to do it. I felt for the vein, lined up, and gently poked Mojo. To my delight, the syringe started filling with blood immediately! I hit the vein on my very first try!! I slowly drew back on the needle until it was completely full, and Mojo behaved himself the whole time. He didn't growl or wiggle at all.

After I finished, I was so happy. I felt like I just won the lottery or something. My friends all congratulated me on a great first blood draw, and the Dr told me that I did a good job. I am so proud of myself - and I am really starting to feel more like a vet every day. I can't wait to try more procedures!

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