Monday, February 14, 2011


we have our first anatomy exam coming up this week. i'm nervous that I may not pass.

wait... you're probably thinking "you have gotten all As so far. i'm sure you will kick ass at this exam too".

not true. I have a lot of trouble retaining new words... and anatomy is almost entirely composed of strange vocabulary... lots of it. There might not be enough time for me to repeat all the names of the bones, nerves, and muscles of the dog and cat enough times for them to all stick. In addition to that, we have to apply what we know and identify structures on radiographs (x-rays). It is not easy and I haven't had a great deal of practice at it yet. I hope I do ok.

I will do another update later on and talk about my cliff jump and post the (crappy) video of it.

also, i do not like valentines day. the one last year was much nicer. that is all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Sing the names to the tune of an annoying song.

    eg. Lady Gaga "born this way"

    Ooo, there ain't no other way
    Baby, I was 'uterine horn' this way
