Friday, February 18, 2011


well, it's friday again and the end of the day can't come soon enough. This afternoon, I have my anatomy lecture exam. I studied hard, but I don't think I know everything as well as I should. There is just too much information to learn in such a short time. Hopefully I anticipated the kinds of things the professor will want us to know. If he asks the right questions, I may do very well. If not, we have the option to drop the lowest test score from our record at the end of term. So either way, i'm not going to panic or anything.

After my test, I have to go into town to the Grenada post office because I have ordered a few items from eBay and they have arrived (some things are very difficult to find here). Hopefully I don't have to pay too much duty on them. There is a big SGU party this evening that is at a club called Kharma. The tickets were 50 EC dollars each (like $20 normal dollars) and there will be a DJ, air conditioning (woo!), and all you can drink. I do not plan on drinking more than 1 or 2 tonight... but i am sure that some of my classmates are. It should make for some fun people-watching. And if for some reason I decide I don't feel like going at the last minute (which is a common occurrence for me), I can sell my ticket no problem since the door price is wayyyy more.

Tomorrow I plan to lie in the sun and study histology and work on my tan. I will also post the video of me jumping off the cliff last week. (sadly, the video I ended up with was not worth the pain of climbing back out of the water on the barnicles). I will also try to get some cool St. George's city pics this afternoon. It will all depend of the spot I get on the public bus.

Have a good day peeps!

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