Saturday, February 19, 2011

hilarious items for sale

I had a really nice day today. I slept in. I woke up and got a coffee at the student centre outside my dorm. then I went in to town with some girls from school that I hadn't hung out with before. We had a really great time. We went to the tourist mall and shopped around. We each got dresses and I feel so pretty when I put mine on. I can't wait to wear it some place nice. I also found a toaster oven for $100 EC dollars - which is the price that the used ones cost around here when you can find them. I was stoked to find such a great deal.

On the way back to the bus, we walked past a vendor selling bootleg DVDs on the street. One of my friends stopped to buy some fruit at the next stand over so I had a chance to browse through some of the titles. Am I ever glad I did! I found probably the most hilarious movie cover ever. I really should have bought the DVD and given it to somebody as a gift. Anyway, check out the fantastic-ness below.

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