Saturday, February 12, 2011


I somehow managed to pull off As in all of my exams this week and my friends did great too. We were all so happy and spent yesterday afternoon/evening celebrating (which included some interesting cliff jumping and some going out on the town). I am still kind of tired so I promise I will write all about it in detail tomorrow.

here is a little video I took while I was riding on the public bus yesterday on my way back from the downtown post office. I was sitting in the front seat beside the driver because the bus ride on the way to the post office made me feel super car sick (too much window tinting + windey roads + heat + not sitting by a window on a crowded bus = recipe for vomit). There's not really much of anything in this movie, but you can see what a typical street looks like in town. Its very green and lush but as you can see, it is quite third-world as well. There are more people and cool buildings closer to downtown, but I haven't gotten a good chance to really film/photograph it yet. After I took this video, the bus driver told me that he thought I was pretty. He was nice looking and was very polite, but I got off the bus before he could ask me what my name was. hehe.

Please disregard the watermark in the middle of the video. I am working out some movie format compatibility issues and am playing around with some video converters to try them out. the watermark bugs the hell out of me, and this blog website compresses my videos so the quality is awful, but i like the song that is playing on the bus in this movie, so at least there's that. Anyway, enjoy!

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