Sunday, February 20, 2011

cliff jump!

So i had a fantastic day today. By 11am, I had already finished my laundry, cleaned my room, went to the mall for groceries, and did a blog post all about toast. It felt great to be so productive. At noon, one of my favoritest friends came with me to get coffee, and then we went to the field in the middle of all of the dorms to watch the vet student softball tournament. All of the different terms competed against each other and our term (term 1) ended up placing second. It was nice to bake in the sun and cheer on our friends. After the games, the same friend and I went into town because I had an appointment to look at an apartment for next semester.

The apartment is actually a room in a resort near the beach. The resort started renting to the vet students a few years ago and it has become such a good place to live, they have nearly no rooms available for tourists anymore. The rent is less than what we pay in the dorms, and all utilities are included (this is a big deal because most of the time air conditioning is not included and can end up costing hundreds of dollars. and its important because i don't want my little canadian dog to get too warm here). There is also a pool, a social area, a study/internet lounge, and a shuttle to the school bus stop every day. The place is just down the road from the police station so it is very safe, and there is security at the gates all the time. the view is incredible, and i would have my own apartment but many of my classmates would be right next door in their own suites. it is perfect and I will most likely put down a deposit for next september later this week.

After the apartment tour, my friend and I went for some food, and then walked the rest of the way back to campus. Along the way we met about 15 of our classmates who were on their way to Bananas (the nearby nightclub) for one drink (yeah right) to celebrate the softball win. We were invited to go along, but opted to go back to campus instead. When we arrived at campus, my friend on a whim suggested that we go to the cliffs and check out the water.

The water was perfect for jumping. Last week when we went to the cliff, the water was rough, the waves were high, and getting out after jumping involved pulling yourself half a body length up a barnacle covered rock face using only your upper body strength (of which, i have none). When the waves weren't sucking you under (very scary) the barnacles were scraping gouges into your skin. I was actually afraid to jump but eventually I decided that getting some good blog material was worth it. I ended up having to be pulled up out of the water like a beached whale. And my leg got all banged up. Also, I asked a stranger to shoot the video of me jumping and she totally spazzed out like a noob and stopped the video before I even hit the water. fail. I was sooo disappointed.

Anyway, tonight I was really glad we went to check it out. The water was a lot higher, so it was pretty much as easy as getting out of the deep end of a (barnacle encrusted) pool. I jumped two times and it was fantastic! So... here is the video. It was a fantastic way to end a great day.

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