Tuesday, April 6, 2010

wasp tree

So here is another little video of a tree-hive that I found the other day. This tree trunk was filled with tiny little wasps (they were probably less than 1cm long). I was able to get right in there for a few seconds cause little wasps are no match for me! muahahaha! When they noticed me getting all up in their grill, a few of them flew out to defend the hive. Three wasps flew into my hair on the back of my head. Well, the joke was on them. My hair and neck were so sweaty that they got stuck. I was able to pull them out and squish them with my fingers before I got stung.

Oh, the things I will do for a blog post. Gotta keep the fans happy after all. heh.

p.s. I would not get this close to a big wasp hive. The big ones have painful stings that burn for days.


  1. Hi Dayna!
    I heard u were in town.. and I missed u!.. dont believe it...everyone said u looked AMAZING! miss u lots and I wanted to tell u that Cole finds your blogs very interesting too!
