Wednesday, April 21, 2010

vacation baby!

So its day one of the awesomest vacation ever! Right now I am sitting on the giant bed in my air conditioned hotel room using the free wireless. Below is a photo of the view off my balcony.

In a few minutes, im going to walk across the street and get some sushi for lunch. Then i'm going to look in the stores, and then i'm going to come back and sit in the sun near that pool all day. Hopefully I can get some colour on my legs (and not burn them again) so that my arms and legs don't look like they belong to two different people. When it gets dark, i'm going to walk around and find someplace good to eat dinner. Then i'm going to come back and talk to my internet sweetheart until it is time for him to get ready to leave to see me. I am sooo excited - there are butterflies in my stomach.

I will take more photos of this hotel in a little while. Right now there's some sushi that needs to be nommed.

happy happy happy

Update: There is a mango and a banana tree beside the pool, and a lazy cat that hangs out in the yard! I love it.

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