Monday, April 5, 2010


The PHD student has this insane camera that makes me so jealous. One of the lenses that he has is as long as my forearm! With it, he is able to take a close-up photo of a monkey's face when it is 30 metres up in a tree. I feel totally inadequate when I look at my little point and shoot camera. If the light is not exactly perfectly perfect, my photos come out completely blurry when I try to use the zoom to capture something that's far away.

A little while ago, the british spider monkey chick told me that she takes far away photos by shooting them through her binoculars. Cool idea huh? the other day, I had a chance to try out her technique. It was the same day that I found all the cool guanacaste seeds. I was walking along in a good part of the forest, and this huge owl flew past me and perched in a tree right in front of me. It was pretty high up in the trees but it sat there for a really long time and stared at me. Here is the final result. Its no mega-super-extenda-lens photo like the phd student can take...but it'll do.

p.s. this is called a spectacled owl. I don't know why it was out in the daytime.


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