Tuesday, April 13, 2010

tourist fail

I spent today with LV. In the morning, I was following them through a pretty decent spot of forest when I heard a rustling on the ground. I looked over and 2 awesome land turtles were plodding through the leaves. I walked up to them and they stopped and looked at me. I was pretty impressed because they were both very brave - they didn't hide inside their shells at all! After a minute, they continued on their way and I watched them for a bit. At one point, one of them got stuck in some twigs while its friend sped off so i lifted it up and put it back on track (and don't worry mom, i washed my hands and used sanitizer after). Then I went back to chasing the monkeys. They were sooo cute. Too bad my camera battery was dead. :(

Later on in the afternoon, I was sitting under a big tree while LV was napping in the sun. A couple tourists walked by and noticed me sitting there. Below is the conversation that resulted.

Tourists: hello. can you tell us what is at the end of this trail?
Me: this trail will take you back to the casona.
Tourists: what kind of things are at the casona?
Me: well, there's a beautiful park, and a monument, and a small museum.
Tourists: That's it?
Me: That's it.
Tourists: There's just nature here?
Me: yes. This national park is full of nature.

Then the tourists looked at me like I was somehow ripping them off and walked away. The whole time they were talking to me, the monkeys were asleep in the trees directly above their heads. They didn't even notice.

"Just nature". sheesh.

1 comment:

  1. Fegh. Who wants to look at nature all day, especially when you come to a national park! I want to see... uh... condos! Or something. Hmm.
