Thursday, April 8, 2010


Just a few quick randoms cause BH kicked my butt today.

  • Today I was at the monkey tree (after walking for half an hour) at 5:10am, but BH had already decided to leave. It was still dark outside and it took an hour of searching before I found them. little jerks.

  • I spent the entire day climbing up and down hills. Today was one of the most physical days I have had since I arrived in Costa Rica. I am so unbelievably tired.

  • I nearly lost the monkeys a few times, but managed to follow them till sunset (I was worried about that).

  • I think one of the tick bites on my ankle is infected. It is really red and sore. And it looks pretty nasty.

  • If I find a new baby in this group I want to name it Pimms. (if you haven't tried Pimms, you should. Its yummeh.)

  • I would give anything for a foot massage right now (anything except my first born that is... I already traded it away for a foot massage a while ago)

  • Today I had to make a new hole in my belt cause my pants were falling down. woo!

ok. that's it.
i'll blog better tomorrow on my day off.


  1. Hey Dayna, We haven't talked for a while, but by reading your BLOG, I realize how busy of a day you've just had. Wish I was there to give you that foot massage. You are quite a trooper. I do think that Pimms is a perfect name for a newborn monkey. Cross your fingers! Love you and miss you! xoxoxo

  2. Hey Dayna!

    This is Dosi from WoW :)

    Seems like you're on quite an adventure here. Awesome :)

    I might be in Costa Rica myself on April 24th for a little bit. I'll be looking for jungle trails to cross-country run in. Do you know any?

    Make sure you have that ankle checked, girl, so you come back on your two feet!



    PS - if you want to contact me, I also have a blog in here. It's called FlintLand (
