Sunday, April 4, 2010

burn vine

So I was going to write about the evil plant Sloania... but i'll save that post for another day. I have a new evil plant to talk about. Burn vine. Burn vine is some kind of plant that grows in the forest. Apparently it is covered with little hairs, and when it touches your skin you develop a blister that feels like a burn. This is all what I have been told by other people who live here. I have never had the chance to examine burn vine up close and I don't even know what it looks like. However, I have been burned by burn vine multiple times.

The problem is that when burn vine initially touches me, it doesn't hurt at all. It just feels like any of the other hundred kinds of vine that brush against me as I walk through the woods. And the burning oozing blisters don't form until hours after I get home from the forest. So its really hard to pinpoint the exact moment that you get burned.

Anyway, yesterday some burn vine got me on the neck. Here is a picture of what it looked like last night. It was oozing and burning and red. Here is a photo of it today, now that it has started to scab over. Its way more noticeable now. Sexy, I know.

Hey - at least I didn't get razor vine on the neck. One touch from that stuff and it rips your skin right open. Thankfully I can recognize it and steer clear when I see it.

I must not pick at this burn on my neck. It will be difficult but i'll just have to focus all my attention on picking the multitude of tick bites on my ankles instead. ha.

*scratch* *scratch* *scratch*

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