Thursday, April 15, 2010

spider baby!

So yesterday I was out with LV, and something pretty cool happened. In the afternoon, a mother spider monkey and her baby came along and spent some time with the capuchins. The capuchin juveniles started to play on the ground and the little spider monkey came down and joined them!! This is pretty cool because spider monkeys almost never come to the ground - and this little one was running all over the place! I took a whole bunch of video of her. She looks all gangly and crazy when she moves. Isn't she cute?




  1. Hahahaha that monkey and that music were made for each other. I <3 the monkey.

    Before the plan for my next tattoo solidified in spite of me, I'd thought of getting a monkey, or an elephant, or a platypus on my arm. I might still get them but I'd have to figure out where.
