Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bosque humido

So today I got to go to a brand new part of the forest and learn a new monkey group! The name of the group is BH which stands for bosque humido (humid forest). These monkeys all have the names of alcohols... Guaro, Campari, Sangria, Guinness, etc, etc. They live in undisturbed forest which means that the trees in their home range are HUGE! Its awesome. Their area is also super hilly and many of the trails have ropes to help you climb up and down. Im gonna get buns of steel walking up and down those trails. hehe This group is the most difficult group to follow... in fact, the PHD student is getting me to learn them because the other field assistant hasn't been able to complete a whole day without losing them. I guess I must be doing a good job here cause he is making me go out with them all alone tomorrow - and I have only had one day to learn who is who. I really hope I don't lose them...or mess up the IDs!!!

The BH group of monkeys is interesting to watch. This afternoon a bunch of them came down to the ground and dug holes in the side of a hill. Then they crawled into the holes and only their bums and tails were sticking out. They sat like that with the other monkeys watching from beside the holes for about 10 minutes. The PHD student doesn't know why they do this...and no other groups do it either. Weird!

One other cool thing about this group os that two of the females (Daiquiri and Skyy) are pregnant! I hope I get to find a baby!

Anyway, I have to be up at 4am tomorrow and need to be at the monkey tree by 5. So i'm going to go lie down. I'll try to get some photos of my new monkey friends soon!


P.S. Today is my little sister's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDS! LOVE YOU!

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