Monday, April 12, 2010

monday randoms

Good morning mah peeps. Here are just a few randoms to start the day.

  • There is this cute little frog that lives in my sink. At night, it sits in the drain under the leaky faucet and lets the water drip on its head. During the day, it hides. Often, I build it a little fort using my mouthwash bottles and it will stay in there and chill out for the afternoon. Last night when I came home from the field, I found it inside my bathroom bag. um....I love you frog, but you swim in the toilet. Please do not sit on my toothbrush, ok?

  • Last night while I was eating dinner, a praying mantis landed on my plate. It stared at me for a while with its huge crazy eyes but then flew away before I could eat it. NOM!

  • Last night, I also found an assassin bug in the bathroom. I don't see them often, but when I do, I kind of get the creeps. Assassin bugs can bite people when they are sleeping and some of them are carriers of the microorganisms that cause Chagas disease. Chagas disease can have almost no initial symptoms for many years, but later serious problems like heart and intestinal diseases can show up. People can also die from it if untreated. Ayways, all assassin bugs are killed on sight. The one last night went "squish".

  • Today is my day off. Our driver Ronnie just came over and offered me and the PHD student's PHD girlfriend a free ride into Liberia! We are going to get some more groceries (we need veggies) and I am going to buy a pair of leather polinas for one of my professors who works on spider monkeys in Belize. she asked me to bring her some as a favour and I have been meaning to pick them up for ages!

  • Somebody messed with my sweet little Chutney. She has a giant gash on her left cheek. It is huge and bloody and looks like a mess. Who would fight with a pregnant monkey? It was probably KathyLee...the alpha female. KathyLee has a massive cut on her head that appeared at the same time as Chutney's wound. Perhaps poor Chutney stepped out of line and got the smackdown. Everybody must know their place in a monkey group. Anyway, I hope her pretty little face heals fast. It looks like it hurts. p.s. Chutney's baby belly is getting really FAT!

  • Random strange monkey fact: When capuchin babies nurse, they gently massage their mom's other nipple with their hand as they are drinking. All the babies do it and its funny to watch. Every single monkey group has a pregnant female in it right now! I can't wait for baby season!

ok that's it! i'll try to do another blog post later tonight if i have time.

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