Tuesday, April 20, 2010

custard apple?

YAY! So I am officially on vacation! I am really happy for a bunch of reasons. One: I was getting pretty burnt out from the long hours combined with the humid weather. It will be nice to have a few days where I don't have to work. Two: I am going to go stay in Liberia at a hotel tomorrow. I plan to eat a lot, lie by the pool all day, and sleep in an air conditioned room with a bed that has a real mattress. Three (and most importantly): on Thursday, my internet sweetheart is coming to visit me!! I cannot wait to see him. I'm sooo excited! We are going to travel around for a few days, and then (if I can manage to wake his ass up at 4am) he will be attending monkeyschool with me. Its gonna be awesome.

I will try to blog as much as I can while on vacation... but if I can't get online every day, i'll post like crazy when I get back to Santa Rosa.

In other news, here's a little bit of WTF for you. Here is a photo of one of the walls in the kitchen area. You can see the fruit poster on the wall (there's one with veggies on the other side of the door). Today after coming back from the field, I was looking at this poster while drinking some pop and noticed something strange.

So can somebody please tell me wtf a custard apple is? I have never in my life heard of one. I think it looks like a rotten cauliflower, don't you? Its kind of odd - of all the different fruits to put on a spanish/english fruit poster, custard apple made the cut. Anyway, if somebody knows - please tell me! I am dying to know. Also, does it taste like custard? Cause that might actually be good. NOM!

Anyway, im gonna go count down the hours till my sweetheart arrives. I'll blog again soon!


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