Sunday, April 18, 2010


So yesterday was another retardo-long day. I had to get up at 3:50am, and didn't make it home until 6:30pm. The air was really humid, i was soaked in sweat, and the monkeys didn't stop to rest for more than a few minutes all day. I was utterly exhausted when I got home. I am starting to feel a little burnt-out from these crazy long hours... I don't even have time to unwind when I get back to the dorms before its time to eat and then go to sleep. I am really happy that today is my day off, and that I only have 1 more long day before my holiday (i will post more about the awesomeness of my holiday soon. i am sooo excited.)

Anyway, yesterday while I was working I did see 2 cool things. Snakes! The first snake a large ratsnake. I was sitting on a rock and watching a monkey in the tree. The snake slithered up right beside me before it noticed I was there. IT WAS REALLY BIG! Like at least 6 feet long. When it saw me, it quickly went inside a hole before I could get a photo of it. After a while, it must have gotten bored because it came back out and was moving around on the ground. It even went up into the monkey tree and sat there for a bit. Normally, I would have been a little nervous around such a large snake that was so close to me, but the monkeys didn't seem to be too concerned by it so I decided it must not be too dangerous. (If they see a boa or a poisonous snake they will all alarm and cause a huge ruckus). Eventually, I managed to get some good photos of it and a video so you can see how big it is!

The second snake was a little brown vine snake. This one just slithered on past me while I was having my lunch and then climbed into a bush to chill out. Vinesnakes aren't dangerous either so I got in nice and close and took a good pic. It didn't seem to mind at all.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics and the video. I still need to see an anteater before I leave for home. Hopefully I can catch one on film for you.

Back to work. sigh
<3 Day

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