Monday, February 1, 2010


today is a search day. I spent the entire morning walking around, looking for a particular group of monkeys. The bad news: I haven't found them yet. The good news: I got to go back to the dorms for lunch and stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day. I think I have gotten a bit of sun already. My face feels very hot. :(

Right now, the weather keeps getting hotter and hotter and the forest floor is completely covered with fallen leaves. I usually associate bare trees and fallen leaves with approaching cold weather. Its really strange to me that it is scorching hot out. The forest looks very dead and brown, but there is still beauty to be found here. Today I came across a pretty sight. Amongst the bare trees, i found one tree that had no leaves, but was blooming with pretty yellow flowers. The heat had caused many of the flowers to fall off the tree - and the forest floor had the bright yellow blossoms mixed in with the fallen leaves. nice huh?

I love finding cool things in the forest. Today I also found a turtle shell! But no turtle. :|

Tonight we are getting a gourmet dinner! There is another PHD student at U of Calgary who studies capuchin color vision. She isn't in Costa Rica right now, but her father has a condo here. Today, her dad came by and brought us roasted chickens, french bread, and WINE! They are going to have a feast waiting for us when we return from the field. How awesomely nice is that?! I'm gonna drink a single glass of wine and get totally TRASHED! Its gonna be awesome.

I'll let you know how the dinner is!! Taa for now.


  1. Those are awesome flowers.

    Roasted chicken, french bread... mm. Best dinner ever on a hot day right there. Even the wine sounds like a good idea. My family used to have almost exactly that dinner (except coke instead of wine, hehe) on hot summer days when you just didn't want to turn the stove on. Good memories.

    Canada's frozen solid btw. Winter sucks outside of the tropics. Miss you!

  2. It's AV all over again! (turtle!)
    awesome flowers :D

    Word: benonidd
