Wednesday, February 10, 2010

stove mice

So um...yeah. Mice in our stove. This place is starting to remind me of home.

It got very hot underneath that little stove but you will be happy to know that no mice were harmed in the making of this movie. Even though I wanted to kill them, i didn't. After i finished shooting this movie, I helped them to climb onto a stick and set them gently in the leaves.

Interesting fact - in December, the PHD student found a boa constrictor under the stove. Probably because it is such a great place for mice (aka snacks).

nom nom nom


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. *boa* "nom nom nom nom nom nom nom"

    You're so nice for not killing the mice >.<


  3. First rooms spiders and shower scorpions and now toilet frogs and stove mice. Dayna Doolittle, your house will feel so sterile when you come home to your dog.
