Wednesday, February 17, 2010

heart attack

So today I had the day off. I planned to catch up on some data cleaning and work on a bibliography assignment that I have due soon. Things were going well - I was working and sitting outside with the Scottish ant biologist. we were talking about movies and music as usual. Then all of a sudden, he knocked over a cup of water on the table and it went all over my computer. There was a strange noise as the water went into the air intake for the fan. At first I didn't panic. I calmly lifted up my computer and the ant biologist helped wipe up the water underneath it. I then turned off the computer and removed the battery because water had gotten into all the cracks. After drying off the outside, I tilted the macbook a little and a bunch of water dripped out. At that point i started to worry a bit. We dried the water as best we could, but sadly when I tried to start it up, nothing happened.

At this point, I was beginning to feel panicky and I could tell that the ant biologist felt like shit. We were both very quiet as I tried over and over to make my computer boot up. nothing.

I then decided to use my hair drier to blow air into the fan to see if that helped dry the insides. I must have dried the computer for 10 minutes while using all of my mental powers to resist the urge to throw up. I kept thinking about how if my macbook broke, i would be bored, lonely, and completely cut off from everybody I love back in the real world. :(

Thankfully, when I finished drying the computer and tried to start it, it worked. I can't even begin to explain how happy I was when I saw that little apple on the screen. Could you imagine if I wasn't able to blog anymore? I mean... all of your lives would be completely empty! I just couldn't live with myself if that happened.

So anyway, I am really happy that my life partner (aka my macbook pro) seems to be recovering. I couldn't take the heartbreak if it left me for good. Obviously, the best way to get closure on my whole ordeal was to blog about it.

So I just did.

<3 <3 <3