Wednesday, February 24, 2010


so I can't remember if I blogged about how I lost my bank card a while back. The last time I remember having it was in MonteVerde and then the next time I went to use it (like 2 weeks later) it was missing. slightly inconvenient to say the least.
I called the bank and they told me they would send a new card, blah, blah, blah. It should arrive here in about 3 weeks.
At the time, I thought to myself "this is annoying, but at least I have groceries to last for a while and my credit card is here for emergencies".

Well guess who lost her credit card this weekend.

Last night I went to go buy game-time for this little online game that i'm addicted to..and my credit card was not safely in my wallet where it belongs. I remember having it on Friday - when I withdrew money on the way to the all-inclusive. I left the bank machine feeling very relieved. "good thing I have this credit card to withdraw cash till my replacement bank card arrives. I don't know what i would do without it." I probably left the dumb card in the machine.

screw you, irony.

1 comment:

  1. Irony wins again eh?

    Sorry i couldn't get through to blizz for you, but at least your account is back up and running.

    also - java sucks monkey balls, daily. i woke up all night last night thinking about it :(
