Monday, February 15, 2010


Ok. So I thought I would start to introduce some of the coolest monkeys in the forest.

This is Nutella. He is nearly 8 years old and lives in the group Los Valles (LV). He is really easy to identify because he has a really long upper canine that sticks out of his mouth even when it is closed. It makes him look totally goofy and loveable.

All of the researchers adore Nutella. He's really mellow and hangs out near the ground a lot. He also doesn't seem to mind when researchers get really close to him (unlike some of the other monkeys in his group). I have yet to see him give a threat face. Nutella was born in this group and he spends a lot of time hanging out with his mom Salsa. Right now Salsa has a young baby and Nutella is also a great big brother! The baby Ketchup (stupid name) is only 3 months old and is just starting to venture off of Salsa's back and explore on his own. Nutella will often pick Ketchup up and give him piggy back rides. <3

Capuchin males disperse when they reach adulthood. What this means is that someday, Nutella will leave LV and venture off to find a new group to live in (one with lots of potential girlfriends). I will be really sad if he leaves while I am in Costa Rica. Often when males disperse, the researchers never see them again.

Today, while i was following Nutella I saw him have sex with Chutney - my favorite female in LV. I hope she has a little baby that has a goofy tooth just like Nutella. wouldn't that be cool?!

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll introduce more awesome monkeys as I get good photos of them!!

<3 <3 <3


  1. Probably just like him becuase you have a goofy tooth. :)

  2. These monkeys have the weirdest names, and that one looks so lazy and relaxed

    Word: Sommullla
