Friday, February 12, 2010

orthopteran from hell

My day was a lot better today. We went to the beach and it was a) completely empty, b) beautiful, and c) so fun. I'm pretty tired from the long day so i'll tell you all about it and post beachey photos tomorrow.

Today, you get a photo of a giant grasshopper type bug. I have never seen a bug this big before in real life - it is hard to tell in the photo, but this mutant was literally the size of my hand. It totally creeped me out because when i went to take the photo, it spazzed out and flew up and hit me right in the forehead. It had giant flappy wings and really spikey legs. blech! I ran away like a total girlie girl but then thought of all you bloggies and overcame my creepies to take the picture.

I want to go back to the beach.
<3 <3


  1. wow. it's HUGE. insects that can take a finger off are a little creepy.

    glad to hear the day at the beach made up for the day before.

  2. Hi Dayna,
    I'm a friend of your Mom and am enjoying your blog. You definitely didn't need that beastly encounter. Looks like you handled it like a pro.

  3. Good lord Dayna! How am i going to visit knowing that my greatest nightmare exists in a giant form down there. Seriously. Im freaked out just looking at that thing.

  4. Linds - I immediately thought of you when I saw this. whatever you do, don't look at its spikey legs.

  5. How the hell do bugs get that big? Some sort of devil super juice i bet...
