Saturday, February 6, 2010


I spent the last two days doing 13-hour monkey follows... so my day off is feeling very good right now. The work days went really well - I ended up getting a lot of data and feel pretty good about going into the field all by myself. The PHD student even told me that I did a good job (go me!).

I think I mentioned it before - but for the last couple days I was following the Exclosure group. This is the very first group that I started learning when I first came to Santa Rosa. At first, I found it difficult to tell the individual monkeys apart. I wasn't sure of what to look for and had trouble even telling the males from the females. Well, those days are gone. The PHD student told me that with more and more experience, it will just get easier to ID the monkeys and that's totally what happened when I came back to this group this month. Everybody looked so distinct. I must be a true researcher now. I was going to introduce you to the monkeys in the group, but I wasn't able to get photos of them all yet. I will try next month. (I am totally aware that my monkey blog needs more monkey photos. Its just really hard to get a good picture - the little buggers don't sit still. )

Instead, here is a little video I just took in the bathroom. And no, its not a video of my butt.



  1. I would recommend putting up the recorder to see how they get in there, but i don't think people would appreciate that very much.

    <3 miss yous

    Word: Trogizes
