Saturday, February 27, 2010


I know what you're thinking. 3 posts in 1 day? Well i kind of slacked off this week so now i'm making it up to you.

Today I woke up and went to the bathroom. As I was brushing my teeth, something squeaked at me from up near the ceiling. I looked up and saw this little guy. I suppose the bathroom is a good place for a little bat to hang out - there are hundreds of bugs in there that would make a fine breakfast when it gets up this evening. Its pretty cute too... so I don't mind if it stays. Its much better than the giant jumping mouse that jumped on my hand last week while I was trying to shoo it out of the shower.

squeak, squeak
<3 Day


  1. <3 the caption.

    in the northeast we've got a problem with declining populations due to a fungus, referred to as White Nose Disease.

    bats also tend to have one pup per year, so the deaths are decimating populations.
