Monday, February 22, 2010

santa rosa

vacation is over. time to get back to work.
today we have rented a car to drive back to the park. I am excited to show my family the place that I call home. Hopefully the monkeys will swing by the dorms for a visit while we are there. On the way, we are going to stop in the town of Playa Coco as well as Liberia to check things out. I want to go to some of the souvenir shops cause I haven'thad a chance to do that yet. I also need to pick up some groceries cause my butt won't be leaving the park for at least 2 weeks once I get there.

My stay in the all inclusive has been great, but i don't know if I could survive here. There is just too much food! I always feel horrible guilt for visiting the dessert table but I just can't pass up such pretty little cakes and squares. I always find that they look so much nicer than they taste - but it is still fun to try them. Last night, one little square had the flavour of cookie dough and the texture of mashed potatoes. yuck!

Anyway, i'll be back to blogging about creepy crawlies in no time. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend spamming my Facebook news page with crap about olympic hockey (please stop!).


p.s. My parents spent a bunch of money on new hiking boots for me - but sadly, they are way too big. there's at least an inch of space in the toes... and my heels wiggle around. My dad thinks it would be ok if I just wore extra socks but I can't in good conscience keep a pair of $200 boots that doesn't fit me. Hopefully I get that vet school interview so I can come home and get a new pair that fits perfectly. Parents - you guys are the best. Thanks so much for trying. Love you!!

1 comment:

  1. You spend up to 13 hours a day running around a hot jungle, you deserve a dessert table! Though mashed potato cookie dough cakes dont sound too delicious

    I'm glad you had a great time on your trip <3

    And your parents are awesome, can i steal them?
