Saturday, February 20, 2010

riu guanacaste

So my stay at the all inclusive has been pretty awesome so far. Yesterday I arrived at about 9:30am, we had breakfast, and then flopped by the pool for most of the afternoon. I started a new book (Galapagos, by Kurt Vonnegut) and pretty much vegged out in the sun for most of the day. Sadly, like an R-tard I managed to sunburn the front of my legs pretty badly. They are quite sore and ridiculously red today. Note to self: never wait to apply sunscreen. Always do it immediately. Apparently I also fail at applying sunscreen evenly and smoothly on my arms and chest cause here and there, there's a little burnt patch where the sunscreen was missed. I look like such a sun noob - and after 6 weeks here, I should totally know better. Today I am going to use extreme caution to make sure the burn doesn't get worse.

Here is a photo that I stole off the internet of where we are staying. I have been so pre-occupied with being lazy, I haven't really taken any pictures yet. This photo was taken in the wet season, so you have to imagine that the hills in the background are leafless and brown. It makes quite a contrast with the lush green gardens at the hotel.

So, I have never been to an all inclusive type place before. This hotel is huge and has endless buffet tables, all the drinks you want, and an abundance of couples made up of a wrinkled old man and a scandalously young woman. Eww! Right now as I type this, an old dude beside me is trying to help his much younger girlfriend connect to the internet. He's talking to her like she's in kindergarden. If anybody ever used that tone with me, I would punch him in the wrinkled old-man balls. Hard.

There was "entertainment" at the hotel bar last night - a michael jackson impersonator. I have never been big into pop music and wasn't really interested in hanging out with the seniors and watching it. Also, the show didn't start till 9:30 pm and usually by that time i'm snuggled up on my bed watching cartoons and getting ready to sleep. I was curious to see how hilarious it would be though, so I forced myself to stay up. While I waited, I ordered drinks off the fancy drink menu. I tried one called a Pura Vida that was rum, creme de menthe, and banana liquor and blended with ice. It was as gross as it sounds! I took one sip and left it on a table. never drink mint flavoured alcohol. EVAR!

The show was pretty funny. Imagine a costa rican dressed up like MJ in his nineties bedazzled military-jacket phase, badly lip-synching and dancing half-assedly. I made it through 1 song and then went to the hotel room to watch a movie. I was asleep pretty fast. Today, I think i'm going to do more flopping by the pool. We can also get snorkels from the hotel so I might borrow one and swim around in the ocean for a bit.

I will take some pictures today too and post them when I get a chance. The internet connection here sucks balls. I am never sure if I will be able to connect or not.

I'll write more if something interesting happens.
<3 <3 <3



  1. Spring the extra couple dollars for the sunscreen in the aeresol can. It has changed my life.

    Hope you jerks are having fun.

  2. also, this place reminds me of that hotel that we stayed at in the middle east. the time you called me mangrove over and over till I kicked you really hard. remember that?

    ahh. fun times.

  3. "I would punch him in the wrinkled old-man balls. Hard."

    This made me laugh out loud!

    Miss you Dayna!

    PS - I'm supposed to ask you to try and find some interestingly shaped Coke cans or bottles for Brad's collection.

  4. You'll be able to laugh at me for being a sun-noob when i go on vacation with my dad this summer.

    Stop hating on mint! (not that i know what alcohol tastes like, it could be horrible mint flaver, but i love mint so :P)

    And that hotel looks amazing :)

    Words: Hyptoki and Flagan
