Thursday, February 4, 2010

hot monkey love

So I finally found the monkeys today! I had a really good day collecting data and I saw monkey sex too! woo!

Capuchins behave really strangely when they mate. The hanky-panky started in the hottest part of the day. We were all lying in the sun and then Artemis (the alpha male with a girl's name) sat up. The female Electra jumped down from a branch, and just like that they went at it. Then after he was done, they both took off running at top speed. I jumped up and followed them because they were the only monkeys that were currently in my view (and losing the monkeys SUCKS). When I caught up to them, they were sqwaking and twittering at each other up high in the trees. Electra was being a bit of a tease. Every time Artemis would sit down, she would come close and get him all riled up. Then when he went to mount her, she would scream bloody murder and run away. This continued on for like two hours. Finally, they ran back to the group and ate some bromeliads. It was all backwards since the actual monkey-love happened right at the start. I would have gotten it on video for you all but sadly I forgot to bring my camera into the field today. next time!

well i need to go because I have to leave the dorm at 5am to get to the sleep tree before the sun comes up. Nite nite!



  1. Weird? WEIRD?! I tell you what I always have sex straight off the bat and then run away, I don't know what's wrong with you guys. Also, you can't nag a person until you give them the poon, that's the rules. Anyone have some bromeliad? I'm really hungry. Do you think this is why I'm single?

  2. Monkeys are such teases, i never would of known...
