Sunday, March 14, 2010

sunday randoms

Here are some randoms to start the day.

- first of all, Grats to my contest winners Inc and Linds who knew that the quote on the MEGA FAIL INTERNET post was from the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror "The Shinning" episode (arguably the best simpsons episode of all time, definite top 5). Free naked skype sessions coming your way guys. (what? WHAT?! if naked skyping your sister is wrong, then I don't want to be right).

- my primary order of business today is to wash my backpack. I leave for Canada in 3 days and there is no way I can take it on a plane in its current condition. Not only is it full of dirt, leaves, and ticks (blech), but Nutella dropped a hot steaming present right inside it the other day (thanks buddy, love you too!). Also, 2.5 months of sweating like a pig while wearing it has made it kind of smelly. If i wore it now, the jungle stink would transfer on to my regular clothes and I don't think they would be the same after that.

- speaking of regular clothes... I have only one pair of long pants here in Costa Rica. When I fly home, I am assuming that shorts will not be appropriate Canadian March attire. So yay for me! I get to buy stuff! I am looking forward going shopping. I need at least 1 pair of pants, some long sleeves, and something nice to wear on my interview. Also, when I get to calgary my BFF and me are going to get pedicures!! I cannot even explain how much I am looking forward to the part where they rub lotion into your feet and legs for like 20 minutes. *drool*

- today a hummingbird flew into my room! I love them. they sound like little helicopters when they fly. don't worry though, it just had a look around my room and then flew right back out again. Since I started writing this post I have seen: a ctenosaur, an agouti, and some strange kind of small lizard that walked like it was a robot. They were all right beside where I am sitting right now. I love that. oh - I also found a dead snake on the road. yum.

- Finally, monkeyschool is beating me up a little bit. Between the bug bites and the branches scratching me (and my inability not to pick at stuff) I look a lot like a meth addict/crack ho. Long sleeves are definitely in order for the vet school interview. Here is a photo of the crack-hoedness. smexy.

that's it for now!!
<3 <3


  1. Aw, man, your arms are even worse than mine these days. We had to spend a few hours waiting for a locksmith on Friday morning so I went around all the truck cleaning and fixing minor bits, and I dinged the livin' crap out of my arms.

    I'm officially excited for your vet school interview. And also I am a little excited for June when it's time for me to come to Calgary on vacation and we can finally hang out in person. Plus pedicures. Oh yeah.

    How did the monkey manage to get into your backpack to poop in it? Did you leave it unzipped or have they figured zippers out now too?


  2. I too have no self control when it come to itches ... we can compare scars on Skype ;)
