Sunday, March 7, 2010

spider monkeys are whores

Spider monkeys are not as cool as capuchin monkeys. For one thing, they have no thumbs. I know, I know...thumbs get in the way during brachiation. But gibbons are brachiators too and they have thumbs! Technically, I think one of the key distinguishing features of a primate is a hand with 5 digits and an opposable thumb......So WTF spider monkeys, how do you explain that?

Spider monkeys are also users. Whenever they encounter capuchins, they flop down and ask for grooming. And since capuchins are such giving little angels, they always comply. However, spider monkeys NEVER groom capuchins. ever. And don't try to tell me they can't groom because their thumbs are missing. excuses. that's what I say.

Yesterday, the spiders and the capuchins were all in a fruiting fig tree together (the spiders were being bullies and weren't sharing the figs by the way) and I got this video. This spider female is basically being a giant grooming whore. Little does she know, one of the capuchins peed on its hands about 30 seconds before I filmed this. HA! Capuchins win!

(I don't really hate spider monkeys. But I do think they look like aliens).
<3 Day

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