Wednesday, March 31, 2010

bee tree

So I was out with the monkeys today and just before sunset, I came across this neat tree with a hollow bottom. I thought to myself "that tree would make a good home for some kind of critter". Then I looked up. It was warming with thousands of bees and I was right in front of it before I noticed.

Of course, I had to take a video before I ran away. This is a terrible video. sorry. I didn't want to get right in there just in case they decided to swarm me so I had to use the zoom. Regardless, you can see that the bees filled up the whole trunk!

At the very end of the movie I tried to move in a little bit closer, but then one single bee flew out and hit me in the hand so I took the hint and stepped back. I already got stung by a bee once this week, i didn't really feel like getting a thousand more.

<3 Dayna

p.s. I got bit 5 times on the had today by acacia ants. Now my finger is all sausagey.

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