Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Santa Rosa: Take 2

So I made it back safely to Santa Rosa. My little vacation in Canada was great: I got my interview done; I got a pedicure and now my feets are all pretty again; I got to relax with some retail therapy and do a bunch of shopping; I got to eat all kinds of delicious food that I can't get here; AND I got to see all my awesome peeps, my family, as well as my sweet Neko dog. The trip totally rejuvenated me. I'm ready for anything that monkeyschool can throw at me! BRING IT!

I love Costa Rica. As soon as I got off the plane, this wave of happiness washed over me. I love the forest, and the people, and the fact that there are animals everywhere I look. I am excited to get back and hang with my monkey family too! The PHD student gave me a day to rest from flying - but tomorrow its back to the forest! YAY!

My trip back was really good. On the flight from Houston to Liberia, I sat next to a cool young family who is here on their first vacation out of the states. I talked with them for a while about monkeys and fun places in Costa Rica to travel - and it turns out their youngest son William is aspiring to be a primatologist! What an awesome kid! After we landed, I gave them my blog address and they took a picture of me and William together. Perhaps I will see him again someday when i'm a primate vet and he's all grown up and publishing his own research papers! I hope the whole family has a fantastic time here and that the monkeys aren't shy!

To finish off this post, here is a list of things that I will miss about Canada:
  • long hot showers. mmmmm

  • internet that doesn't fail when im in the middle of a good skype conversation. sigh

  • good hair days (with no sweating)

  • not having to pick bugs out of my bed

  • being able to flush toilet paper (it goes into the wastebasket here.)

  • my peeps. it was great to see you guys

That's all for now! Time for lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dayna, so great meeting you on the plane. We had an incredibly great time in cr, thanks for all the sage advice about the country. William had the time of his life, saw lots of whiteface and howler monkeys. He really appreciates the shout out on your blog! You have a lifelong fan. I'll send you some pictures soon.
