Monday, March 1, 2010

agoutis like fruit loops too

So here at the dorms, we get a lot of animal visitors. In the past few days, I have seen deer, bats, toads, bugs, and agoutis right outside my door. What is an agouti you ask? Well let me tell you.

Agoutis are these strange rodents that look like big guinea pigs with hoppy little back legs. They are super cute and aren't pests to humans at all. We always throw our vegetable waste onto the ground because the agoutis come by and eat it up for us. The other day I saw an inter-species interaction between an agouti and a giant toad. The agouti came up to the toad and they touched noses. Awwww!!!

Apparently there used to be more agoutis at the dorms but they started to disappear right around the time I arrived in Costa Rica. We had a big boa constrictor living under the stove at that time... perhaps there is some connection between the boa in the kitchen and the disappearance of the agoutis. such is the way of the forest I guess.

Anyway, the little dudes seem to be slowly returning - I have seen one every day this week. Apparently the agouti babies come right up onto the concrete and squeak sometimes. I hope I get to see a baby one before I leave.

Here is a video of the agouti that helped me to finish my fruit loops this morning.

*nom nom nom*

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