Sunday, March 21, 2010

the interview ass kicking

Ok... so I totally kicked the interview in the ass. I think that part went GREAT! I made a lot of the interviewers laugh and smile and two of them even commented that I really appeared to be enjoying myself and having a good time. (This is kind of a big deal, cause many of the students are literally on the verge of tears while going through the interviews). So...go me!

However, I do not feel good about the essay part. They asked about current issues that production animal/rural vets have to face...and I didn't know what to say. I was ready to talk about the school and/or my qualifications for attending the school (either that or monkey balls). I did not do well. We were supposed to write 750 words, and I think I got about 500 actual words written. Terrible. I like to think I am not completely terrible at its a little disappointing that I didn't kick the essay in the ass too.

Now I get to wait. They score all the different areas, and the students with the highest scores are the ones who get the invites to attend vet school. My grades are great, my interview went great, my references are great, and my essay sucked ass. The interview and the grades are weighted the I really really hope its enough. Overall I feel pretty good about my chances - and I really do think I would make a great vet. Keep your fingers crossed for me ok?

Today is my last day in Canada. I am back in Edmonton right now and today I plan to: drink coffee, maybe do a little more shopping, snuggle my dog, and relax. I have to be at the airport at 3am...and my flight leaves at 6am. Then its back home to the jungle I go! MOAR MONKEYBALLS! WOO!

Ok, well I just thought i'd update you. Im going to go drink my coffee now.
<3 <3

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