Friday, March 26, 2010


This is Chutney. She is an adult female in the LV monkey group. She is my favorite female and SHE IS PREGNANT! The other day I was following her, and I noticed that her tummy looks really round and her belly button is kind of starting to stick out. I asked the PHD student to check the next time he was with the group. Today he confirmed it!

I really hope that her baby is born before I go home. If I am the one who finds it, I get to pick its name! I know I am getting ahead of myself a little but if its a boy I like the name Wasabi and if its a girl I like the name Saffron. (this is the food/sauces/spices group). Please post in the comments if you can think of other cool names!!

In honour of Chutney's little bundle of joy I have changed my header image! Up there is a photo of the cute little mama and the (most likely) dad Cayenne. In the picture you can kind of see Chutney's fat little tummy!! SOOO CUTE!!!

monkey babies FTW!
<3 Day

p.s. Chutney has had at least 3 babies already but only one (Chai) has survived so far. I hope this new one makes it.