Thursday, March 11, 2010

rincon de la vieja

Today was my day off. The british spider monkey chick invited me to go with her and a friend to Rincon de la Vieja - a volcano that is about 1 hour away from Santa Rosa. It was a really cool trip - except for the fact that is was super humid today and I couldn't stop sweating. ugh. gross. At least I know my fitness level is improving here...we climbed a really long steep hill and I was able to walk and talk at the same time and hardly felt out of breath when we were done. ^___^

Anyway, here is a little slideshow of the photos I took while there. We got to see boiling water pools, mud pits, giant fig trees, and a little mini volcano crater (hiking to the big crater would have taken 7 hours round trip and we didn't have time). The scenery was a mix between a lush green rainforest and a dry barren grassland and the whole place smelled like steamy rotten eggs. They had canopy tours there that I would have liked to do (moar ziplining!!) but the others didn't seem too interested. I guess that just means i'll have to go back again someday.

Hope you enjoy the pics! Also, because a photo just doesn't capture the coolness... here is a video of a boiling pond. I wonder how long it would take a human to cook if they fell in there? mmmm.

<3 <3

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