Thursday, March 25, 2010


So there's this huge herd of coatis that has been seen roaming around the park lately. I have been hoping that I would stumble upon them at some point and get a photo for all of you peeps. Coatis are cool. They're like a cross between a raccoon, a cat, and a teddy bear, and they're pretty big and can climb trees too!

Well the other day I found them! The british spider monkey chick and I were at her dorm (which is basically just a tiny little house a short walk down the road) looking for the lid to an epi-pen that she had accidentally stabbed her hand with (long story). We went through to the back of the building and there were probably at least 30 coatis out there. I have seen a few coatis here and there in the forest, but they are usually in groups of no more than five. Also, each time I have seen them they were really shy and ran away before I could get close.

When I found the herd I ran back and got my camera, but by the time I returned, they had already started to leave. I got a quick video of one as it was walking away. You can see a bunch of its buddies off in the distance. Now imagine that...times 10! They were everywhere! Anyway, i'll try catch the whole herd on film next time.

The moral of this story is: always carry your camera with you. Always.


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