Friday, March 19, 2010


Hola Blogoids!

So traveling back to Canada went relatively smoothly. One annoying thing happened though... I purchased 2 bottles of duty-free rum while in the Liberia airport and was going to give one to my parents and one to a friend. Little did I know, that when I arrived in Houston I would have to go through airport security for a second time. I had the rum in my carry on bag, and when they scanned it - they were not happy because having liquids is in violation of their rules. They gave me the option of stowing the rum in my "under the plane" bag, or having it confiscated. I only had half an hour to make my connecting flight, and I did not have access to my under the plane bag because it was already being loaded on the next plane.

So the jerks stole my rum!! This is the second time the americans have taken my stuff on a connecting flight. Once, on a flight coming back from Dubai, we had a stop in Chicago and they took all my bootleg video games during a mandatory bag search (without us present). A-HOLES!

Anyway, aside from that things were great. I watched the new Burton Alice in Wonderland and Avatar (omg I love Avatar) on my computer on the way home. When I arrived in Edmonton, my parents were waiting for me and the weather was nice and chilly. When we arrived at their house, my dog Neko was really happy to see me. I missed her so much I almost started crying. Neko and I made out for like an hour and then we snuggled in the spare bed together to sleep. We are in love.

Today I have to drive to Calgary. Ima surprise some peeps and have lots of running around to do.

To finish this post, here is a photo of me and Neko - my life partner. she doesn't like having pictures taken - just like a few of my other favorites. We're the cutest couple ever huh?

OMG tomorrow is my interview!! I hope I kick its ass.

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