Saturday, April 2, 2011


today my friend bailed on me, so i decided to go take pictures in town on my own. I had a nice time. There was a cruise ship in town, so for a change I wasn't the only white person on the streets (aka I stick out a lot less and get a lot less attention from the local men). Regardless, about 6 guys asked me for my phone number (denied), one said that I have beautiful eyes and asked if he could keep them (creepy!), and one asked me if I would give him one of my earrings so he could remember me (um... hells no!). I got a lot of great photos, and I found a pair or pretty silver sandals for $5 EC (less than $3)!

Tonight is the Herpetology Club's annual "herping trip". In about 15 minutes, we will all pile into a bus and go to the Grand Etang National Park. Once we get there, we will hike around through the jungle searching for reptiles! I am looking forward to some forest time and I hope I can see all kinds of cool snakes, bugs, and creepy crawlies! My camera battery is nearly dead but I will try to conserve it just in case we see some cool stuff. I will also post my city photos later tonight or tomorrow. Gotta run now! It's herp time!

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