Saturday, April 16, 2011

T-shirt Karma

This week, many T-shirts have come my way. I bought a cool shirt from the AAHA (American Animal Hospital ASsociation) Vet club. My anatomy prof did the graphics - in addition to being a vet, he has a masters in anatomical illustration. He wrote and illustrated all of our dissection guides for this term and next term. The shirt great because it has the "localize the lesion" image on the front - which is an image we have all learned to draw in class. It is a schematic that we use to determine whether a limb injury is associated with upper or lower motor nerve damage. The back has a whole bunch of vertebral cross sections running down it - it just looks cool.

In addition to that one, on wednesday this week I went out to play bingo at one of the local bars. I know what you're thinking. Bingo? Really? But it's super fun. A lot of vet students go and the big jackpot is usually between $500 and $1000EC! I ended up getting a bingo on the "X", and won a bingo t-shirt and a case of beer. The bingo shirts feature one of the bingo numbers and a slogan that the bingo caller "Kevin" always uses. This time, the "O,69: Dinner for 2" shirt was up for grabs. One of my classmates wanted the shirt so bad that when I won it, I just had to give it to her. She was soooo happy. Also, since I would rather drink parvo tainted puppy diarrhea than drink beer (that's how much I hate beer!) I gave the entire case to my table. My classmates seemed to appreciate it. When I got home from bingo that night, there was another T-shirt lying on my bed. It seems that my closest friend got a whole bunch of free left over "Sand blast" shirts and dropped one off in my room as a surprise! Its a really nice green colour and coming home to that surprise made my night even more than winning at bingo. It seems that t-shirt karma was working for me. I gave a shirt away, and I got one in return.

I also have a Herpetology club shirt on order that I should get soon. (These t-shirts are like $10 canadian dollars btw so i'm not spending a ton of money on them. don't worry). The herp shirt is dark green and has a bunch of cool reptiles on it in yellow. I usually don't wear a lot of t-shirts, but here it is nice to have them for working out and hashing, and general summery weather type clothing. Anyway, that's it for t-shirts for now.

Today is another hash. It is Brooklyn in the St. John parish (the west side of the island, a little over half way up). It's supposed to be in a really beautiful area on the island. I can't wait. Obviously i'll post photos of that. Next term, there is a special hash to celebrate the 700th hash of the Grenada Hash House Harriers Club. Its on the smaller Grenadian island of Carriacou and it is a 2-day weekend hash! I cannot wait.

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