Thursday, April 14, 2011

post-exam randoms

- anatomy is over. I don't know how I did on the written part, but the multiple choice section was really hard. Hope I did well - i'll find out in a week or so.

- next week I have a histology test and a physiology test. it should be a busy, study-tastic week.

- there is only 1 month left of school. 30 days from now I will be done with exams. I am looking forward to coming home, but I am not looking forward to having to find a job. I need to get some resumes out. (if anybody knows of any vet clinics in the Edmonton area that need summer help, please let me know!)

- today is was ungodly humid outside. I just can't handle humidity yet - I had to walk up a hill to get to my first lecture in the morning and was sweating like a hog after about 30 seconds. It felt so gross. I hope I eventually get used to it. It is so uncomfortable to be all sweaty and it makes me self conscious.

- today in our clinical skills class, we had our first cow lab. I LOVE WORKING WITH COWS! They are mellow and sweet (unlike horses who are all crazy). We had to tie a cow halter and put it on. I was the first one to assemble my halter, and when I had to put it on the cow, I was calm (even though the cow was unhappy and was tossing her head all over the place) and had it over her head in like 2 seconds. The rest of my group said I made it look easy. yay me! We also got to palpate the cow's belly for lymph nodes, listen to her rumen noises, take a rectal temperature, and squeeze her vulva to check her mucous membranes! Tomorrow we get to go back so i'll try to take come cool cow photos.

- I am getting some grey hairs so today I decided to buy a box of hair dye and colour it a little darker. My friend helped me put on the dye and when she applied it, she missed a tiny spot near my temple. Now my hair is all nice and dark, except in this one little spot where it is still kind of light. hehe. my friend wanted to fish the rest of the unused hairdye out of the garbage and fix it but i was like "ehhh. don't worry about it". It's hardly noticeable and i kind of like it heh.

- There is another hash this weekend. we are going up to the area close to where I went for Fish Friday. I can't wait.

ok that's it!

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