Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday update

I had a really good day yesterday. The whale watching was awesome. We didn't see any whales, but we saw a group of about 100 dolphins. They swam along side the boat for a long time and were showing off for us by doing all kinds of jumps n stuff. The weather was great, and the waves were small. It was awesome.

The hash yesterday was also good. We travelled all the way up to a rum distillery at the very northern tip of the island. It was SO beautiful up there. About 2 minutes into the hash though, I fell and twisted my ankle quite badly. I didn't want to be a wimp, so I walked off the pain until I felt strong enough to run on it. I pushed myself as hard as I could, and felt pretty proud for being a trooper and running as long as I did. Part of the hash was through a river... and walking on the round rocks was tough. After that, I had to limp the rest of the way back (about 45 more mins). I felt dumb for falling, and didn't let the others know i was hurt, but they were watching out for me and brought me some water and some ice for my leg. It was a lot of fun, even with an injury. This morning, the ankle was sooo swollen that I couldn't put weight on it. However, earlier this week I had signed up for a shift at the small animal hospital. I talked to the coordinator and told her about the predicament I was in, and she told me that because it was such short notice, if I didn't find somebody to cover for me, she would have to work the shift herself. She was recently hospitalized for having a stroke (she is in her twenties) so there was NO way I was going to let her work for me. Instead, I had a hot shower, and spent 45 minutes walking slowly to the clinic (normally a 5 minute walk). I did stop for breakfast and coffee at a restaurant along the way though. By the time I made it to the clinic, my ankle had loosened up a lot. I was able to stand on it for the whole 5 hour shift with minimal pain (but still lots of limping). Now I am back at my dorm and I am going to go celebrate being a trooper with some sushi and maybe an alcoholic beverage. I'll post the dolphin video and some hash pics soon!

Happy Easter to my readers who celebrate that kind of thing!
that's it for now!

1 comment:

  1. You are a trooper!! I felt the pain for you, being the good mom that I am, as I was reading. Let us know how your week progresses, and take care of yourself!
    Easter day was 19 guest including us. great visiting! Love you, and anxious to see you. xoxoxo
