Tuesday, April 19, 2011

anatomy fun

we had a super fun anatomy lab today! We just started on the final section, "the head". Today involved sawing off our dog's head (at the neck) with a hacksaw, and then sawing the severed head in half along the midline so you can see the brain and all the cool parts inside. We all posed for photos holding our severed dog's head and made jokes about leaving it in somebody's bed like in The Godfather.

After that, I got to take one half of the head and peel all the skin off without ruining the superficial muscles underneath. Skinning a dog's face is a lot harder than one would think! That skin is really thick! I had to change my scalpel blade twice just to get the job done. Anyway, the sawing and the skinning took up pretty much all of the lab period. Tomorrow we will get to find all of the facial nerves and glands (not quite as fun).

In other news, there was a dead roach on my kitchen floor this morning. Thankfully it was dead, and not running around under the sink or something. I know that this is a tropical country, and cockroaches are inevitable... but I associate roaches and uncleanliness so I hope I don't see any more inside my room. (In Monkeyschool there were a couple of times where roaches crawled on me while I was lying in bed, so really... this isn't so bad). Here is a picture of the nasty corpse before I kicked it out the door and then stomped on it for good measure.

have a great day everybody!

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