Friday, April 15, 2011

Cow Lab!

So here are some photos from our Clinical Skills lab at the farm today. Surprisingly the cows have been my favorite animals to work on so far. Click the image to see the full-size. :D

Our class had 6 cows to work on. Here they are all lined up. the one closest to the camera is super little and cute. Her name is "Little Tiger" because of her brindle colouring. The one next to her is "Bottle Girl". She was bottle fed when she was wee.

Bottle Girl, nomming some feed.

Here I am, measuring Little Tiger's pulse in the large vein on the bottom side of her tail. I also had to feel her vulva and take her temperature. No "full-arm up the bum" rectal exams yet. That's in 5th term.

1 comment:

  1. i noticed they have numbers, that mean you get to race them after class?

    which one would win?

    anyway, i hope you find a cool place to work for the summer !
