Thursday, March 31, 2011

blogging fail

- I know I have been super-slacking at blogging lately. It's not my fault though. I got lots of rest and managed to fight off my cold, but have also had to deal with 2 exams this week so I haven't had a lot of time.

- I scored an 87% on my physiology exam. B+. I'll take it. I was pretty nervous because the physio midterm didn't go very well. I am happy to say that I am back on track. Hopefully I can end up with a B+ overall if I continue to do well. (I am currently sitting with a B in the course).

- I found out yesterday that I was awarded The Louise McKinney scholarship for my grades last year while attending monkeyschool (yes, I was actually completing coursework while following monkeys for 14 hours a day. yes, I am a machine.) The scholarship is for $2500 which will come in nice. I am thinking of putting a tiny bit into my macbook pro savings fund, and then using the rest, along with my tax return to put a large dent in an old student loan that I have from multimedia school. It would be the smart thing to do.

- I have started to look for apartments to rent for next semester. There was a good/affordable 1 bedroom place that a classmate told me about that I was hoping to look at (her and another girl rented the 2 bedroom suite upstairs)... but I found out that the place got taken already so that's too bad. I have an appointment to look at a different suite tomorrow after class. It is in a really good location, and people that i like would be my neighbours, so hopefully the place is nice and a good price. *fingers crossed*

- Tomorrow I have an exam in histology. I have been working very hard all week but I don't really feel confident yet. There is just so much information to learn. For those of you who don't know, histology is the study of tissues... so the entire class involves going through the body and learning about all the different kinds of cells that make up the various systems, what they look like, and what they do. On this exam, we are responsible for knowing all of the digestive tract (there are a LOT of layers of tissues that do different things and each layer in each part has its own special cells), the urogenital and reproductive systems, and all of the differences between species. it is a lot of work. And the lamest part is, the exam is only 25 questions long. I have 8 stacks of flaashcards for a 25 question test. hopefully i do well.

- Tomorrow after class, some friends that I don't hang out with very often invited me to go see the movie The Tourist with them in the theatre. (movies here are months behind). I have already seen the tourist, but I am looking forward to getting to know some new friends and spending time with them. I am also looking forward to eating popcorn for dinner. On Saturday, my closest friend and I are making a day out of going into St. George's. We are going to go to the spice market, check out the local shops, and walk around and take photos of the city (my idea). I am looking forward to it. The rest of the weekend is dedicated to studying anatomy because I have a test on the abdomen, back, and pelvic limb next wednesday. fun fun.

- that's it for now. back to flashcards.

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom told us about your scholarship at breakfast this morning. Congrats on that!! I admire how you keep a good balance between the work and fun. Love your photos!
